Channeled Message for the New Year 2022
“We are seeing the needs of many souls on earth as well their questions as to what is going to be in store for them for the coming New Year. The year 2022 is the year to “surrender” your human personality to your spiritual nature in order that you can experience a greater re-awakening as to who you are. Your problems are nothing but experiences that are to lead you to greater maturity, self-understanding and self-enlightening. Don’t count on anything that lives on the earthly plane to make you happy, healthy or prosperous. The power is within your spiritual connection with Divine Source. When you don’t receive answers to your desires it’s due to the fact that you choose to live in your head and you dramatize with your emotions, in other words you are NOT ALLOWING the higher energies to connect with your human self.
The earth planet is presently going through the shadow of the Light. There is so much greed, worries, anger, fear, un-forgivingness and immaturity being created. Many individuals live by their human perception which causes them to be confused as to distinguish the difference between right and wrong, reality and illusion. Many have lost their path due to being materially led. You must rise above these lower vibrations in order that you may find your connection to your inner being. The process of the “SACRED RESET” in which the planet earth is going through is that you need to reconnect and stay connected to your higher self. Each New Year is about reflection and re-evaluating your life, it’s about you recreating a better life for yourself and in creating a trusting relationship with your soul self keeping in mind that you are not physical, you are a Spiritual Being of Light Energy that is having a physical adventure on the earth plant. You are the awareness that is aware of your human emotions. The individual purpose of every soul is to be awakened in their Self-Aware and you do it by letting go of ideas, attitudes, behaviors and patterns of conditioning that no longer serves you for your highest good, spiritually, intellectually and physically. Only when you liberate your old self you come to realize who you are and where you come from, then you will consciously experience your life on earth as a Spiritual Light Energy Being.
Allow the energies of Light, love, peace, wisdom, maturity and positivity be your will and motivation to guide you to live your best life in this incarnation. Don’t fight battles that don’t matter and don’t give your power away to worries, fear or insecurities. You cannot control the events of the world but you can control on how you choose to react to the events. Whatever is happening globally don’t let it intimidate you, you have a purpose to fulfill, only when the purpose has been achieved then you will return HOME. Your personal experiences are a reflection of all your intentions, choices, and actions you have created consciously and unconsciously. No one can change you or your experiences only you can.
I’m offering you some guidance that can assist you in ways of thinking, doing, living and being.-
“Be Alert in each moment” for each time you think, express and act these same energies will follow you in your existence’s.
“Make Peace with Your Past” in order that you can heal and become free from baggage’s that you carry .
“Trust yourself” and “be self-confident” in who you are and what you can do.
“STOP” giving your power away to other’s or to situations that disappoint or hurt you.
“Embrace” the reality that nothing happens without a reason.
“Value” your existence, life is a gift so you are a gift to humanity.
“Nurture” your human intellect with constructive knowledge, opinions and ideas.
“Let go of un-forgiveness” for it makes you to be the victim instead of being the creator of life.
When people walk away from you, let them walk away because they are no longer attached to you. It doesn’t mean that they are a bad person it means that their chapter in your story has come to an end. Appreciate the time spent together and move on in order to continue to fulfill your purpose. I offer you spiritual insights based on what you can handle, the more you evolve the deeper or greater insights you shall receive. Keep in mind that endless blessings are felt and received when you live from the heart. You are never alone for my love and blessings are always upon you. I shall return to offer you more insights in assisting you in your reawakening to your connection to the I AM”.
Friends, I am very humble and grateful to know that God has given me this profound joy and honor in knowing that I am being supported by his servants to guide me closer to my Creator. I am simply sharing this truth with love. I ask you to always follow your own heart. I wish each and every one of you endless blessings of peace, love, joy, health, happiness, prosperity and spiritual wisdom to fulfill your life journey and that 2022 will bring forth the creation of all your dreams and desires.