
♥  I am available for lectures, conferences and spiritual services

♥  private spiritual counselling and advice

♥  healing channeling to remove blockages and restore energy balance of body mind and emotions.

♥  group classes for spiritual teachings and development

♥  workshops for personal and global empowerment and unfoldment

To schedule an appointment you can contact me through:

→  web-site:

→  Skype: marymelidia

→  e-mail:

→  telephone consultation:  514-365-0661

All donations received go forward to Living In Self-Awareness Mission which is a Canadian and Federal non-profit organization so that it can continue to do humanitarian work in supporting the under-privileged which I have been doing for the last 47th years. We can make a difference in this world when each one of us contributes and participates with one another so that individuals can live a better life and together we can achieve in creating a better place for everyone to live in. My personal vision is to continue to dedicate my life in helping others to experience a deeper understanding of who they are and how to create a better happier life for themselves.

The Law of Attraction states that our thoughts and intentions create our future; what we sow we shall reap; what we give out will come back to us; it is in loving others that we show respect to ”who we are”.

Please join with me in making a difference in this world by being extra-ordinary human souls so that as One Global Family serving one another with love, for love and in love we can fulfill our purpose in this life.

Thank you for joining with me in this wonderful humanitarian work.